Receive a 10% discount on the transfer of 10 or more domain names! Enjoy the discount in PlanetHoster credit by using the code: Domain2PH.
Available until 02/01/25
Take advantage of a 10% discount by transferring 10 or more domain names! The discount will be applied as credit to PlanetHoster. Simply use the code Domain2PH to avail of this offer.Available until 01/01/25
PlanetHoster operates its own resilient computer network and caters to over 50,000 clients by leveraging its hybrid cloud infrastructure across its data centers in Montreal, Canada, and Paris, France. With the aid of PlanetHoster's Anycast DNS and anti-DDOS capabilities, it effectively supports over 100,000 websites.
Les infrastructures de PlanetHoster au Canada sont alimentées à 100 % par de l'énergie verte provenant de barrages hydroélectriques. De plus, notre système de refroidissement écologique utilise naturellement l'énergie verte grâce au climat du Canada.
Notre approche en matière d'infogérance repose sur l'optimisation des serveurs et des ressources techniques afin de favoriser l'économie énergétique et
Web hosting, cloud drive, php, traffic, website, ftp, chat support, my sql, gallery,backup, web editor, google adwords. One year free website tools with unlimited transfer.